What Is an Air Charter Business

You want your business plan and presentation to be strong enough to interest investors. They won`t encourage investors to write a check right away. However, if they ask for another meeting with you, you can consider it a resounding success. Many factors influence the choice of the right air charter operator. Aircraft chartering refers to the leasing of the entire aircraft instead of just individual seats on an aircraft. Aircraft chartering is also known as air taxi, executive chartering, jet chartering and private aviation. Since the continued disruption of scheduled services is severely affecting freight capacity, a freight charter could be the ideal solution. Additional measures to minimize your risk of infection during chartering. Think outside of local publications and media when promoting your air charter business.

Talk to regional travel agencies to include your prices, charter itineraries and contact details in their packages on holiday destinations. Develop a concise copy for ads in aviation industry publications that maximize your advertising budget. However, for small businesses with fewer aircraft in their fleet, it is best to use independent or chartered agents to find business for them. A businessman who needs a flight from Pennsylvania within twelve hours cannot wait for a plane to come from California to pick him up. If there is an operator near the businessman`s location in Pennsylvania, the businessman`s air charter agent can contact the operator, set up the flight and get the businessman where he needs to go, and quickly. Watch our video to see the rise of a man`s air charter service in the basement of his home to one of the world`s largest aircraft charter companies. Your first thought might be that you want to target everyone who steals. Think again.

Do you think people who use low-cost carriers will pay for a private air charter? No, they are looking for the cheapest offer. With the stated goal of democratizing private aviation, Kenny Dichter, developer of NetJets` Marquis Jet card, launched Wheels Up in 2013. As the first charter fleet membership program, it offers guaranteed access to the airline`s aircraft at fixed hourly rates. Wheels Up started modestly with the Beechcraft King Air 350i twin-thrusters. But since then, it has expanded its fleet offering; diversified in charter brokerage; makes significant technology acquisitions and investments; and established partnerships. This gives you the opportunity to start a new business. With a private air charter company, you can create a business that lasts for years, which is not easy in the aviation industry. The references of a charter operator are important. Do not hesitate to consult the operating certificates, safety record or insurance policies of the charter. If your company has unique insurance policies, discuss them. This can happen in the form of banks and other investors.

To make your business as attractive as possible, you need to be willing to show that your business will be profitable. Starting an air charter business is an expensive undertaking. To give you the best chance of success, you need to have the minimum viable product. In other words, you need to validate your business model before it starts. Contact aircraft brokers like USA Aircraft Brokers Inc. to find aircraft for your air charter business. Set your air charter budget, seating requirements, and hangar capacity with an aircraft broker to dispose of aircraft. Compare new and lightly used aircraft prices through brokers with ATR`s new aircraft prices to grow your air charter fleet. Commercial airlines use fewer than 500 airports across the country. Charter operators use them and nearly 5,000 others, which increases the possibilities of flying exactly at the place desired by the air charter user. Commercial airlines do not fly to many destinations because it is not economically favorable for them.

Everyone understands how risky the aviation industry is, so your business plan should show why your air charter business is different. The key factor in choosing a good aircraft charter company: Directional Aviation Capital (DAC) is a private investment company whose companies offer access to business aviation and support services, including partial ownership (Flexjet), airline cards (Sentient Jet), charter application technology and on-demand booking (PrivateFly), remanufactured aircraft (Nextant) and aircraft overhaul (Constant Aviation). Director Kenn Ricci, who founded DAC in 2007 to fund these deals, has built a bizarre empire since the early 1980s, when he acquired Corporate Wings, a small aircraft charter and management company based in Cleveland. Establish an air charter crew with experience in the aviation industry. Look for licensed pilots with charter experience who are willing to take in-flight excursions and talk to passengers about their destinations. Look for a ticket salesperson, baggage handler, mechanic, and administrative assistant to manage your day-to-day operations. Your pitch deck is the presentation you give to investors. This is a summary of your business plan that has been inserted into a PowerPoint presentation. Read on to learn how to build and set up a private charter company to surpass the opportunities in the industry.

Once you have a proof of concept for your business, you should start with the set of regulations. The aviation industry is highly regulated. It can take months or even years for your airline to be up and running. Safety and productivity are the main reasons why individuals and businesses choose on-demand air travel for private and business travel. Air charter flights are operated according to the passenger`s flight schedule, which allows for considerable flexibility. With the ability to fly to and from more than 5,000 public airports in the United States, more than 100 times the number of airlines, Air Charter offers convenient access to your destination. And air chartering is a safe means of transportation. Analysts have called stock fractions one of the most expensive ways to steal, and after the economic collapse of 2008, some declared the business model dead.

Nevertheless, many people continue to prefer partial ownership because of its tax advantages, the absence of administrative headaches over full ownership, and other advantages. Air charter operators are companies that operate the flight logistics of an air charter company. Although the operators do not own the aircraft directly, they operate and operate it on behalf of the company. Air charter operators may own or lease their own fleet of aircraft, from small single-engine aircraft to business jets, helicopters and passenger aircraft. You can also rent or use another person`s aircraft under the company name and pass on a portion of the profits to the owner of the aircraft. Dichter is optimistic about the brokerage side of the access market, and Wheels Up went live last year with its online charter marketplace, a search app that gives members access to prices and instant bookings for about 1,200 verified charter planes. In September, Wheels Up acquired avianis, the flight management software developer, to create the digital foundation on which, according to many industry insiders, the offerings of tomorrow`s charter market will be built. Wheels Up`s 80-person IT department is the company`s largest department. As the creator of the partial-ownership concept, NetJets, based in Columbus, Ohio, holds a position in the business aviation firmament that resembles George Washington in American history: it triggered an increase in demand and production that changed business aviation, and its reputation was polished by the operation of the world`s largest business aviation fleet and its ownership by Warren Buffett`s Berkshire Hathaway.

Suppose an air charter operator manages its own agents. The company could only use its aircraft to serve customers in their area, because from there, the agents and the company operate their fleet. If a company was large enough to have multiple fleets at multiple airports across the country or around the world, then this business model would work well. .

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